Castelfalfi, Florence 2012 – 2013

The regeneration project of Castelfalfi Estate sees its start from the recovery of the ancient village of Longobard origin, a geographical and symbolic center of a large territory. With a masterplan that coordinates and defines the interventions and the hierarchies of public spaces, a series of interventions are started on the paving and lighting of the road network, the recovery of an open garden whose current structure dates back to the early 1900s and the realization of a first part of parkings. With the redevelopment of the road network, cabling and district heating is implemented and a program of decorum and stylistic coherence is carried out through the design of the flooring, the street furniture and the lighting that, in compliance with the requirements of functionality and economy, qualifies the space, enhances the historical route and marks the path between the various emergencies of the village. The historic garden, after years of neglect, reappropriates its role as a green space, a fresh alternative to the built environment, thanks to the restoration of the paths, the new lighting and the maintenance and integration of the variegated vegetation. In the northern part of the village, a first portion of the parking is provided as envisaged by the Implementation Plan; the solution directly suggested by the context and mitigated by the vegetation, takes up the theme of the olive tree rural plant and the surrounding colors to harmonize with a context of particular landscape value.



Year: 20012-2015
Dimension: non quantificabile
Budget: €1,657,320,00
Client: Tenuta di Castelfalfi S.p.a.
Project Team: arch. Daniele Desii, arch. Pier Matteo Fagnoni, 
              Fagnoni&associati architetti, Spadolini & partners
Collaborators: arch. Cinzia Angeli, arch. Antonio Viceconti
General Contractor: Cooperativa La Rinascita
Services provided: final design, detailed design and works supervision

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